It’s been over a year since I have written a blog post. With our third kid joining the crew and our hectic lifestyle, time has flown by. We have still been adventuring, but documentation has purely been on social media as I never made the time to write. One of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to start blogging again (yay!) Since it’s been so long, I thought it would make sense to do a brief re-introduction of our family and give you a sneak peek in to my plans for this year.
I started this blog in 2015 and so much has changed since then! Our two original adventurers have grown and over the years their interests have shifted toward the mainstream. Yes, even a nature blogger’s kids cannot resist the magnetism of iPads, Netflix and video games. It’s always going to be a constant battle of moderation. Instead of fighting it, we have embraced certain aspects of screen time and used them to our advantage. I will be sharing some of our favorite nature shows and apps so you can also transform screen time in your house in to an educational, exciting experience.

I introduced you to our third little adventurer awhile back and she is now almost one and a half! She’s old enough to really experience our activities now instead of just being along for the ride. Rather than being snuggled in a carrier or riding in the stroller, she is seeing things with fresh eyes, running free on the trails, feeling the leaves and bark and dirt. There is absolutely nothing like seeing your child experience something new for the first time and we have so many more firsts to come this year. I can’t wait to bring you along (virtually) for all of those heart bursting moments.
We have already started our explorations in 2020 so you will see those blog posts soon as well as throwback posts from over the last year. Also in store is a website overhaul, nature education conferences, collaborations with other like minded individuals and even Buckit Blog group hikes and service projects. All that you see and all that I do is purely for the purpose of helping others connect with nature in a meaningful way. My hope is that by sharing our experiences with you and providing information about all the awesome places to see and things to do locally, that you will find it easier to step outside your comfort zone and #exploremore.
Years ago, I had a revelation that led to the creation of this blog. This world is so huge and I had only seen such a teeny tiny itsy bitsy eency weency miniscule percentage of it. Like most other people, we don’t have the budget to travel as much as we would like to at this time in our lives, but we CAN make it a point to see all that our region has to offer. There is so much beauty right here in Delmarva and so many places I had never been even after living here for the majority of my life. It is very easy to get lost in the mundane cycle of work, school, cleaning, laundry, etc. I needed (and still need) to really push myself to get out of that cycle and get outside more. Hopefully in writing about my very real efforts, it will help others do the same. I was very fortunate to be raised to love and appreciate nature. I grew up getting filthy, holding snakes, catching frogs, exploring freely and if I hadn’t I would not be the person I am today. Overall though, we are a very average family. We both work full time (actually one of us works WAY more than full time), we go through the same parenting struggles as you, have ups and (lots of) downs in life, and deal with the same bills and stress and difficulties as you. I surely don’t want to give the impression that we have an Instagram perfect life, with perfectly behaved kids and tons of money that makes all that we do easy peasy lemon squeezy. A lot of blogs seem to portray that image and I assure you that is not us. If we can get out there and do this, SO CAN YOU!
Happy New Year from The Buckit Blog, this is going to be our best year yet!
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